Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another sleepless night...

Recently I have found out that I sleep better when I'm laying next to someone.  I find this very odd because all of my life I have slept by myself, I have never had anyone to lay beside me because I was always the good girl that never went against her parents (in my case grandparents) and they never allowed me to have my boyfriend stay the night fearing that we would do the "naughty".  Now I lay by myself and I cannot sleep until about four or five in the morning and this is very frustrating for me because I don't know why this is happening.  And then when I do fall asleep it is a very restless sleep and I still wake up exhausted in the morning.  

I'm going to blame this on Kassi.  When I was living with her, we would sleep in the same bed or I would sleep on the couch and Toppy would come lay with me.  Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night.  Now that I'm not living with her, I sleep by myself and there isn't a Toppy around to cuddle with at night.  I do have my mini Pillowpet but he is tiny and isn't warm.  I want the comfort of a human being or a pet that will be loyal no matter what.   I miss living with Kassi a lot.  We went through a lot together and still are going through a lot together and I am so glad that we were able to become the best friends that we have become.  She is quite possibly the only reason that I have made it through this past year.  She's told me when I'm being way too crazy and has been there to hold me when I feel like I have nobody.  I am so grateful for the friendship she has given me and I know that this friendship is going anywhere.  It's one that we are going to have for life.  

Wow! This post is going somewhere where I didn't mean for it.  Oh well, some things just need to be written.  

I need to figure out how to catch some Zzz's and the first step is turning off my computer and attempting to sleep but with a brown kid snoring that could be difficult... I'll let you know how it goes. 

With love,

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