Thursday, February 17, 2011

In the end...

Well first off, the whole trying to separate myself from this person is failing... epically.... So plan B, try and not be so attached... We'll see where this takes us..

Today's rant is basically about how I wonder if in the end the drama and bullshit will be gone... I'm so tired of bullshit drama always getting caught up in my life... 95% of the time I have nothing to do with the situation, it's because I know someone who knows someone.  It's bogus and it only hurts people.  I don't get how people can say something when they know that it's going to hurt the person in the end.  Maybe I care too much about what other's think and feel but to me it seems pointless to say something about someone when you're intentionally setting out to hurt them. (that was a really messed up sentence) I have always worried about what I say around other's just because I don't want to hurt them.  I have always been on that keeps things bottled up inside just so I don't hurt others.  Many look at this as a bad thing but if I have to hurt myself in order to not hurt someone I'm going to do it.

So that's my rant for the night and I'll leave you with this beautiful picture :)

Good night all <3

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